In my varied past I once educated people on the virtues of ‘cross-training’ and ‘mixing it up’ to ‘shock your body’ (ahh the glorious days of personal training) however it seems those days aren’t completely behind me as I’d once believed. Tonight whilst there wasn’t so much ‘shocking’ of bodies there was certainly an extensive amount of ‘cross-training’ and perhaps, in this instance, some ‘brain shocking’.
First of all let me say a BIG congratulations to our graduating Lindy 1s! You’re the last graduating class for 2007 in Manning and you did yourselves proud. A big tip of the hat to Mike for not only excelling in class but for shaving off that mo!
Slow Dancing drew a sizable crowd and I think this was by far the best of the classes we’ve taught. Everyone did exceptionally well and, I’m guessing by the reaction, enjoyed themselves immensely. What reaction? I hear you ask. Well I’m referring to the overwhelming and and very matter of fact demanding of a part two to this class. Yes indeedy, next week there’ll be ANOTHER Slow Dancing class…due to popular demand – and a few threats.
Finally we had part 1 of our ‘5 Moves’ series that really put everyone through their paces! We were so glad to be sharing the great material with everyone and loved the enthusiasm everyone brought to the proceedings!
Next week…more Slow Dancing and 5 Moves ‘To Scare Your Grandmother With’.