Class Reviews: Mt Lawley!

Well some say you can never go home again but apparently you can go back to Mt Lawley. It’s been a while since I’ve taught ‘over there’ and it warmed my heart to find the high spirits and general craziness haven’t left that neck of the woods.

Since name badges weren’t available we saw the appearance of ‘Mario’, ‘Cookie Monster’ and ‘Gold and Blue Shirt Man’. Gold and Blue Shirt Man informed me his name was Chris but I found myself partial to the former ‘handle’ since, as the tone of it would suggest, he was indeed of Super Human stature (although I think Greg gets the ‘Most Tricky’ award).

We shared in the arts of the Reverse Swing Out (utilizing the ‘sliding the milkshake’ style of leading), a nifty Charleston variation (also known as the most complicated, yet musical way of testing the water with one’s toe) and lastly the ‘Tricky Flicky Thing’ that was voted ‘Most Preferred Move Over Those Other Two We Could Have Done’ by the whole class.

We had a great time and special thanks, once more, to Cindy for stepping in to teach!


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