Welcome welcome welcome to our shiney new Lindy 1 class! As for Lindy 2, want cool moves that you’re not doing right now? You got it!
Seriously, they’re cool moves! It’s lovely to see some new faces down at Mt Lawley for their first Lindy Hop experience. We hope you like it, guys, there’s plenty more where that came from. Plus, I promise I’ll never talk about My Little Pony again.
We went through some of our favourite flashy little moves in Lindy 2, and everyone worked hard, especially Lexi’s brain. It’s exam time, I’ll be back to normal soon. Big props to Sharyn and Paul who tackled their first Lindy 2 class this week, and Shawn for being a dude as always. You guys are really awesome!
Don’t forget to come down to Greens & Co after class for a big piece of cake and some overly competitive Connect 4 (although Greg says he’s retired after his last winning streak).