
Welcome to our Level 1 Basics page! Click on the videos below to brush up on your basic rhythms and all of the material from our Level 1 course in the comfort of your own home…or at work…or on the train…or wherever you happen to be.

Level 1 Basic Rhythms

Here’s a demonstration of the 8 count and 6 count basic rhythms from Level 1.

Level 1 Week 1 Demo

Here’s a demonstration of the Level 1 Week 1 material: 6 Count Rhythm in closed, Tuck Turn, Pass By, 6 Bring In

Level 1 Week 2 Demo

Here’s a demonstration of the Level 1 Week 2 material: 6 Count Rhythm in closed, Charleston

Level 1 Week 3 Demo

Here’s a demonstration of the Level 1 Week 3 material: Swing Out from Closed, Lindy Circle

Level 1 Week 4 Demo

Here’s a demonstration of the Level 1 Week 4 material: Swing Out from Closed & Swing Out

Level 1 Week 5 Demo

Here’s a demonstration of the Level 1 Week 5 material: Swing Out & Lindy Circle