Code Of Conduct

Everyone should feel comfortable speaking up about violations of the Code of Conduct.

If you or someone you know have experienced harassment or were made to feel uncomfortable by the actions of anyone (student, teacher, musician etc.) at our events or classes, please let us know right away.  Swing It will ensure that your confidentiality is upheld and we will take the appropriate steps to deal with the situation. We will support you.

  • Show each other respect.  This is an inclusive community for people of all ages, genders, ethnicities, sexual orientations, faiths etc.   This is a place where all of us can meet and share in this very awesome dance we call Lindy Hop. ALL ARE WELCOME. Saying rude/racist/prejudiced things to each other hurts the dance and the experience of the whole community.  Comments of that nature will not be tolerated.
  • Do NOT harass anyone, in any way.  Not sexually, not physically, not emotionally, not by leering, by making suggestive comments, or by bullying. To fully understand what is considered harassment, please visit the Victorian Human Rights Commission‘s website.
  • Ours is a scene of equality.  Swing It does not stand for sexist actions or comments.  Swing It stands for equality between women and men and anything less than that will not be tolerated.
  • Ask people to dance verbally. It is important that consent is given before you start dancing. Start by asking “Are you dancing?”  Sometimes people are there to watch and not to dance or may be deep in conversation.  Once you’ve asked, everyone has the right to revoke consent at any time. Consent to touch for dance purposes does not include the right to touch the person anywhere. Be aware of your partner’s non-verbal reactions as well. Also, it’s also polite to say which role you’re asking to dance as, don’t make an assumption of someone’s role based on gender.
  •  Saying yes to one dance, doesn’t mean you have to say yes to two or more. Sometimes people want to dance more than one dance in a row with the same partner. This is not a requirement.
  • Be okay with NO.  It’s okay to say no when someone asks you to dance. Reciprocally, if someone says no to you, they have their reasons too.  Try not to take it personally. See it as supporting your own license to say no!
  • If you feel hurt or violated in a dance, it’s OK to stop dancing.  You can let the person know why. Dancers, please don’t be rough with each other.
  • Giving dance advice on the social floor is not allowed. During a dance class however, you may ask a dance partner if they would like feedback, and can proceed if they say yes. Be polite.
  • No lifts and aerials on the social floor. Airsteps have always been reserved for performances and jam circles, where it is considered okay to do so, with consent of your partner. Stay safe! Always make sure your partner knows that you intend to do the airstep.
  • If you are intoxicated and acting out, you will be asked to leave. If this happens more than once, you may be asked to leave indefinitely.

How can I report something?

If you experience any harassment or see an incident of harassment taking place we encourage you to report it.

  • Tell your teacher or another Swing It staff member ASAP. Tell your teacher or another Swing It staff member ASAP. If you do not feel comfortable reporting something at an event or class, you can call us on 0407086863 or email us…
  • Encourage a friend to tell us.  If you don’t feel comfortable telling us personally then encourage a friend to tell us for you.  Alternatively, if you’re a friend of someone that is experiencing harassment, please let us know.  We will maintain all information in the strictest confidence.

What will happen next?

Depending on the situation, violators of the Code of Conduct will experience outcomes which vary from a conversation and reference to the Code of Conduct, to expulsion from our venues and events, to an all out public ban from all classes and events.  Bans can be made when a breach of Code of Conduct has occurred.  The specific reason for bans will not be made public only that the ban itself has taken place.

Repeated infringement of our Code of Conduct will not be tolerated.

Special thanks to Lexi Keeton and 1929 Studios for allowing us to use their Code of Conduct as the basis for our own.