Ever dreamt of soaring skyward but weren€™t sure on how to get both feet off the ground? Eager to get some air but fearful of landing on your derriere? Fret no more!
Swing It presents “Learn To Fly! – Beginner Aerials!”. This is a class for those yet to be exposed to aerials (those things where you lift the girl into the air) and are looking to, safely, add some flash to their social dancing. We€™ll take you through the basics, show you some classics and have you amazing your friends in no time!
A partner IS required for this class but you needn€™t fear; all aerials have been chosen with safety and aerial inexperience in mind. You€™ll have a lot of fun as we show you the easiest way to enter the world of high flying!
WHERE: Swing It! Manning – Manning Senior Citizen€™s Club, 3 Downey Dr Manning
WHEN: 9.00pm – 10.00pm. Wednesday, 9th & 16th January 2008
COST: Regular class prices!
REQUIREMENTS: A partner. Loose fitting clothing (preferably pants girls). Flat soled shoes.