I had a few comments about tonight’s Level 3 class that made me think I should spread the word. The comments boiled down to one thing, the current Level 3 classes on Tuesday nights are actually really challenging. More specifically, Level 3 classes aren’t what Lindy 2 used to be, they’re what Lindy 3 used to be.
I’m definitely to blame for that perception. When I changed the classes from Lindy 1, 2 and 3 to Level 1, 2 and 3 (and got rid of beginner workshops) I said that Level 3 would be what Lindy 2 used to be. I also said though that there would be some adjustments going on and each level would settle into its own rhythm.
Level 3 classes, at least on Tuesday but I expect across the board, have settled into what Lindy 3 used to be. They’re challenging and fun. Sometimes they’re really tricky, sometimes they’re less tricky. However they’re always “up there” in regards to level and always relevant to anyone dancing less than five years (I expect they’d still be relevant there too but that’s me).
I’d recommend giving Level 3 a shot and seeing what you think. If you think it’s not hard enough, I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised.