NEW Wednesday Nights In Subiaco!

We’ve been having requests for quite some time now regarding our overflowing Subiaco classes on Monday night. Well, the time has finally come to add another night to Swing It! Subiaco!

As of March 4th we’ll be running regular classes in Subiaco on Wednesday nights as well as Monday nights.

For the first month we’ll be running Lindy 2 and Lindy 3 classes on Wednesday night and the timetable will look like this:

7.00pm – 8.00pm: Lindy 2 (Int)

8.00pm – 8.30pm: Social Dancing

8.30pm – 9.30pm: Lindy 3 (Adv)

9.30pm – 10.00pm: Social Dancing

Lindy 3 will be held at Subiaco only until our next Wednesday night Lindy 1 Course begins on April 1st (no joke).

If the interest is high enough for Lindy 3 then we have plans on how to deliver a regular Lindy 3 class for all those wishing to attend.

As of April 1st the Wednesday night timetable will be a copy of our Monday night timetable just without the Stomp (Lindy 1 followed by Lindy 2).

We’re looking forward to seeing you all down there!
