Partner Charleston & Advanced Workshop!

We have an open level Partner Charleston Workshop and an Advanced level workshop this month.  Read on for more…


Our first Advanced Workshop for 2012 is here!  As usual this is for the more experienced of our students but is open to those wishing to give the higher levels a try.  Also we won’t be running an Advanced Workshop in February due to the PLJ so this will be the only one for a while.

WHERE: North Perth Town Hall, 26 View Street, North Perth

WHEN: 1.00pm – 2.20pm, Sunday 29th January

COST: $20

PARTNER CHARLESTON – Workshop 29th January

As we’ve said many times, the Lindy Hop grew out of the Charleston and, as you may know, the Charleson was done as a partner dance back in the day so here’s your chance to learn the original classic.  We’ll be taking you through the basics and all the way up to solid, Charleston partner dancing.  Spice up your rep and learn another one of the all time great Swing dances.  Open to all levels.

WHERE: North Perth Town Hall, 26 View Street, North Perth

WHEN: 2.40pm – 4.00pm, Sunday 29th January

COST: $20

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