Partnered Charleston Specialty Class

This Wednesday night at 9.00pm Swing It! will be offering an open specialty class on partner Charleston!

As you may know the 20s Charleston was the precursor to Lindy Hop; back in the day the Charleston was done both solo and as a partner dance. Recently Swing It! has been lucky enough to have Jojo Jackson here in Perth to teach solo 20s Charleston at the Jazz Jam Workshop and now we’re proud to offer a class focusing on the partnered side of Charleston. Jojo and Shane will be teaching partnered Charleston from scratch, you needn’t have had any Charleston experience to take part in this class. Throughout the class we’ll be taking you through the basics as well as the distinctly different styles experienced during the height of Charleston. Class prices are as normal!

Where: Swing It! Victoria Park
When: 9.00pm – 10.00pm Wednesday 31st
Cost: $12

Want to learn more about the Charleston? Look HERE.