Polishing Partner Connection

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Join us for an afternoon, technique workshop where we’ll show you how to best connect with your partner!

There’s a lot to take in during weekly Swing classes; new moves, new rhythms, exceptional jokes…. What can often be lost in all of this is the chance to really focus on the technique of Lindy Hop, the real ins and outs that make a difference.

Fear not! To help you out we’ll be teaching a special workshop to help advance your understanding of partner connection and how to get those arms of yours working the way they need to.

This is a workshop open to all levels (except for absolute, never done Lindy Hop beginners). All students from Levels 1, 2 and 3 are welcome to come down and learn or simply tune up their connection!

I hope to see you all there.

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Como Primary School Hall, 225 Coode St, Como


Sunday March 31st, 2.30pm – 4.00pm




Open level, everyone is welcome.
