Review: 16th December

It might be a blurry shot but that’s because ‘awesome’ is REALLY hard to capture on film.. Wednesday night specialty classes are the place to be!We kicked the night off with some fantastic Slow Dancing.. Breaking into open and styling it up as we smoothed things out and raised the bar on musicality.. Great work from Robbie on the individual styling and some fantastic movement all round from everyone.

Next up was the Lindy Madness class and boy did we push it this time.. Fast moves, big lifts and some low floor touches…was this a dance class or a workout?. As usual there was somewhat of a competition to see who could lift the highest but as no-one’s hit the fans yet I’m not ready to call a winner.

Lastly we had Lexi’s fantastic Solo Jazz class.. She slowed things down a little this week as she took the class through their paces but I have to say hats off to Tim for the best guy Boogie Forwards I’ve seen, well, almost ever.
