Review: February 15th
Some of you may have noticed that there is a strong theme emerging in our classes.€“ most of our analogies seem to be about FOOD. We make no apologies for this. We are unashamed epicureans and danceophiles!
Tuesday night was all about the burgers. Lindy 1 made a delicious treat with 8-count tuckturns (the bread), elastic bands (the meat), and just a touch of hotsauce on the top with a Charleston variation.
In Lindy 2 we made the dance version of a double bacon cheeseburger deluxe. With fries! With so many new faces, we retaught the tuckturn pass-behind, and then on to the epicness of The Tunnel. After a bit of initial confusion and headscratching, you all NAILED it!
Now that€™s a tasty burger.