Review: March 31st

Last night was a blast with our graduating Lindy 1s, energetic Lindy 2s and role reversing Lindy 3s!A big congratulations to our graduating Lindy 1s!  We wrapped up our current Lindy 1 course last night which will see most of that class moving on to the next Lindy Yellow course but will also see some of them moving up to Lindy 2!  It’s a big step and we’re very much looking forward to seeing them make it.

Lindy 2 was a hoot with the end of our three week long routine.  We wrapped it up with an extended variation, an extended ‘Willow’ analogy that may or may not have made any sense and some super fast dancing.

Lindy 3 was where the real craziness kicked in.  Ever taken a walk in someone else’s shoes?  Well the Lindy 3 class got to as we swapped roles and had the Follows leading and the Leads following.  We may or may not have learned any new moves but we certainly learned respect for the other half.
