Success can be measured by many things. In some instances the ‘completion’ of a previously assigned goal can achieve such great heights as to be deemed a ‘success’. To achieve a goal and to do so in remarkably good fashion has been known to garner the term ‘roaring success’. Many times in my upbringing I was informed that merely ‘taking part’ was in itself making you a ‘success’ and that the completion of the previously mentioned goal wasn’t always required in making one ‘successful’; indeed it was the act of partaking in the attempt itself that made one a ‘success’ (although I had a great deal of trouble accepting this bitter pill as I didn’t happen to be walking home with the shiny cup I’d just witnessed being handed to the pimply faced competition).
With all of this in mind I feel confident, however, in labeling the Swing It! Swashbuckling Piratefest a roaring success…even though it didn’t happen…sort of. Here’s why:
We all partook (roughly 35 of us) in a wonderful meal provided by Mr Han. The experience of waiting for the meals provided us with the opportunity to catch up, share stories and, in many cases, meet new friends for the first time. As the evening wore on the excitement began to build and it was very clear that ‘Pirate time’ was almost upon us.
Having completed our mighty feast we sauntered upstairs to nestle into our reserved seating within the cinema. 35 seats all sporting cloth signs emblazoned with the word. ‘Reserved’. Sure there was one little tike that wasn’t entirely aware of what ‘Reserved’ meant or why he happened to be sitting in the middle of the cinema, all by himself and somehow no-one was coming near him until we arrived. Either way he was immediately indoctrinated into our clan and was ready to shout and jeer along with us. Aarrrrrgh! The Piratefest was upon us!
20 minutes into the film, right at the movie’s most surreal moment…the power went off in Cannington. Show’s over folks…or WAS it?!
Luckily for the cinema goers (quietly waiting in their seats for some word as to why the movie had suddenly stopped) the show was FAR from over. Up from the seats leapt the Mighty Moss! Sword held aloft as his roar filled the room. Taking up the challenge was Pirate Paul, brandishing his sword and preparing for battle. The two fought up and down the stairs, over the seats and around the cinema; it was a battle on the high seats! (terrible pun I know…move along) In the end it was Pirate Paul that delivered the killing blow, victory was his. Sadly, shortly afterwards, we were all ushered from the cinema with no hope of a film or a rematch (everyone had to leave, not just the Lindy Hoppers).
The short of it is…WE’RE DOING IT AGAIN!
This Sunday 3rd June we’ll be returning to Carousel to finally see Pirates of the Carribean! We’ll meet up again but this time just to see the film.
WHEN: Sunday 3rd June, 8.15 showing (get your tickets earlier though!)
WHERE: Hoyts Carousel, Cannington
We may have a smaller group as I’m sure many went and saw it during the week but if you haven’t seen it and want to join us head on down and be part of the crew!!