Swing Away The Winter Blues Offer

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Winter is here so it’s time to find ways to shake off (or Swing off) those Winter blues. Why not treat yourself to a special five weeks* of fantastic beginner Lindy Hop classes for only $50!

That $50 will give you access to all of our venues in North Perth, Subiaco, Victoria Park and Kalamunda, all with drop in Beginner classes (Level 1) designed for people that have never danced before!

You’ll get out of the house (bonus!), meet cool and exciting people (super bonus!) and learn to dance to the coolest music in history (best bonus!).

This is an online only promotion so make your purchase via Paypal or credit card at the link below (you don’t need a Paypal account you’ll have the option for credit card once you click on the pay link) and you’ll be emailed your voucher. Once you receive your voucher you can bring it to any one of our venues (either printed on paper or on your smart phone) and you’ll receive your five class Star Card! So easy!

Offer Expires August 11.

Please note…

The five weeks is in reference to the five week beginner course we run. This is one class per week.

This offer is only available to first time beginner students, not existing students.

The Star Card you receive is non transferable.

Refunds are not given on any unused classes.

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