Class Reviews: Subiaco!

lindy hop swing class perth

Size matters not to a Jedi and pelting rain matters not to a Lindy Hopper. Swing It Subiaco was packed last night with a whole new group of Lindy 1s, new and old Lindy 2s and our new Lindy 3s!

The Lindy 1 course got off to a great start. Once again we’re lucky to have an excitable bunch of slightly crazy people, “When do we get to do lifts?”

Lindy 2 was a barrel of laughs and it was sensational to see so many of our Lindy 1s move up into the next level. We’re focusing on style for this course and it was definitely showing through last night (especially when Wil starting sexing it up).

Lindy 3 was a real pleasure. We’re delighted to be teaching an advanced class in Subiaco and we’re even more delighted with the great turn out. Tricky variations with some Drunken Master style thrown in. Just remember, the ‘gun finger’ style belongs to Nash and Nash alone.

See you next time! (Below…cookies by Amanda…mmm…cookies)


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