Review: 9th May

Hey hey, goody goody, cow cow and Ommph Fa Fa!  We were speaking the language of Jonathan Stout and his Campus Five this week in Subi, Subi!

Everyone in Lindy 1 were looking AND feeling amazing. Because that’s what we do, we feel good. Katelyn and I had a blast getting in the circle and dancing with you all, seriously, awesome.
In order of Lindy hop Hep, we had ourselves a class of 6 count step. Can’t wait to see you all move up to…

Lindy 2!
The Pepper was up to mischief as we found ourselves with a class full of various variations of Marks! – improper use of the name-bagde assortment and we loved it! Anymore improper use of said name-badge assortment will result in giving of high5s, stickers, mad props and claps. A big Wedesday night HEYA! to Elinda for her visit and massive props to Il Hong for attending her first lindy 2  – you did so great! It was a night of swingout variations, and you guys really made them shine with style (look’n at you Glen!). See you all next week! Until then, I have some homework to do for Mr BPM Danny…
