An Important Message Regarding Covid 19 and Swing It!
Hi Everyone,
We are currently going through a period in our society both locally and globally where each and every one of us are being affected by the worldwide spread of Covid 19. Around the globe governments, councils and communities are doing everything they can to respond as best as possible to the pandemic.
As we all know, the current response is to maintain social distancing wherever possible, to wash your hands frequently and to avoid touching your face. The Australian Government has advised any gathering over 500 people be cancelled as the latest step in attempting to flatten the curve.
If you’re unaware of what flattening the curve means, in short, it’s about doing everything we can to reduce the spike in Covid infections. The less the numbers spike the more likely it will be that the health practitioners are able to stay on top of the influx of people in the hospitals requiring life saving treatments. Not just those needing life saving treatment for Covid but for any manner of life threatening issues (accidents etc). If we can prevent the hospitals from being over crowded, we’re going to save lives across the board.
With this in mind the Swing It Dance School will be going on hiatus effective immediately. All classes and social events will be put on hold until the time arrives that we’re able to, once again, come together without any fear of spreading the virus.
I believe now more than ever it is important for all of us to be as socially responsible as possible. In many circumstances washing your hands and keeping your distance is fine. However it’s my feeling that this is less of the case in a dance setting. Social distancing is about reducing the risk of passing on the virus and, when we dance, our close proximity coupled with rapid breathing puts us at more of a risk of passing the virus on to each other.
I will admit I haven’t arrived at this decision lightly. Swing It is my source of income which comes with it’s own pressures when a decision like this needs to be made. However, regardless of that, after extensive talks with medical professionals I believe this is the most socially responsible thing to do for both our community and for society at large.
What does this mean for Swing It? Well it means we’re on a little break! We’ll definitely be back with all of our social dances, all of our classes and all of our dorky jokes. It may be for a short time or a little longer but we’ll absolutely be back and we can’t wait to dance with you again when that happens.
In the meantime Swing It will still be providing Private Lessons but at the reduced cost of $50 an hour. So if you’re still keen to work on your dancing we’ve got you covered there. You’ll be able to train up and EXPLODE with awesomeness when we return to the dance floor.
Outside of that, look after yourselves. Wash those hands, stay healthy and stay vibrant! Also, given our community will be in less contact, remember to check in with each other. Keep an eye on your mental health and reach out if you need to talk. I’m very happy to talk with any of you and if you feel the need you can reach out via email or phone.
Thank you for your never ending support and for your co-operation during this difficult time.
-Shane McCarthy, Swing It Owner Director